Monday, December 24, 2012


Delicious is a social bookmarking website that allows you to bookmark your favorite pages or important pages that you may need, without you having to save them to your browser.



  • Useful

  • Ability to keep track of online sources

  • Ability to search for subjects easily  

  • Ability to see whats popular

  • Sites are reliable for the most part



  • Not user friendly!

  • Not a preferred method


I've used Flickr one time only and that was actually today. It was a fairly easy website to use. It is much self explainitory and has easy navigation throughout the site. The site itself is really cool. If you browse around, you can and will find a lot of really cool photos. Its just another way to share things on the internet. It is yet another web 2.0 application and it is really popular. You can make tags for your phots that relate to it or explain it. This is a concept that is shared with many other web applications; such as, Twitter, Instigram, or Facebook. I enjoyed using Flickr and I reccommend it to anyone and everyone. Anyone can use it. Go check it out!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a fast and free web browser that can be downloaded in just seconds. There are a number of  benefits with using Google Chrome. For example, it offers secure browsing and sync capabilities that allow you to access your customized browser from any computer. It also offers tabbed browsing and privacy browsing, as well as a task manager to manage all running websites and applications. You can also see how much memory you are using. I think this is the fastest browser I have used yet and it's very compatible. It is easy to use, but if you need any assistance, there is a help center, which provides support with a variety of issues. The browser does have some disadvantages as well. If you have children, you may want to consider another type of browser because it does not have any parental controls such as Firefox. It has some security issues as well. Like any other browser, Google Chrome offers to save your passwords, so that you do not have to type them in over and over again. The passwords are saved on the browser and can be accessed by looking in the Options menu. While this is a helpful feature, it is also a security issue because they do not offer a feature for securing the saved passwords like browsers such as Firefox do. Most browsers display a message whenever you try to close a window which has more than one open tab. Google Chrome does not have this feature and if you mistakenly close the browser window, all open tabs are closed without warning, so windows you may have wanted to keep open, will be closed an lost for the meantime.

Open Office

Open Office is an alternative to Microsoft Office. The main difference in the two programs is that Open Office is free and everyone likes a bargain. It contains a word document processor like Microsoft Word, calculation spreadsheet much like Excel and presentation creator much like MS PowerPoint. As you browse around in Open Office, you will realize that it is much like the old and classic version of Microsoft Office. However, there are a some differences. For example, Open Office
contains no ribbon interface and importing may alter formatting. Open Office does not have complete support for the new file formats created by Office 2007 and 2010. On another note, they do have an awesome import export system, updates cost nothing and the program is compatible with all computers. It runs a little slower but still works perfectly fine. Open Office does provide an option to add on grammar checking, but it is not built in like Microsoft. They have document viewing options, of course not as powerful as Microsoft but can still be effective with Web View. Both spreadsheet packages offer conditional formatting but they do not offer Smart Art. Open Office tend to be easier to understand because there is not nearly as many things you can do and you can open different applications in one page. I found this to be very beneficial because you cannot do this in Microsoft, you have to open each application separately. The file sizes are much smaller so they take up less space on your computer. I did not have a real problem with Open Office, I think I would use it if I did not already have Microsoft Office simply because it's free and much like Microsoft Office! So if your a student and can't afford an expensive system, or are simply looking for one but want to save money... Don't fray, download Open Office today!

Microsoft Office 2010

The Professional version of Microsoft Office gives you Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access and Publisher. The Student Version gives you Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. No matter which version you get, you are getting more than enough and can do various different things with the program! All the Office applications now have a new amazing ribbon and an updated version of the Backstage feature. Tired of endless menus? The new ribbon in Microsoft Office 2010 allows you to easily navigate and you can also create your own tabs on the ribbon as well. This saves a lot of time and frustration when trying to create documents. The Backstage menu is another great feature. This is the one place for all the things you might want to do with your document, that you don't do in the actual document. Things such as creating, saving, inspecting for hidden metadata or personal information, printing and specific setting options for them. The program is both fast, efficient and effective. In comparison to Open Office, it has its pros and cons. The main thing that differs the two is the fact that Microsoft Office is somewhat expensive, while Open Office is free. Open Office is like an old edition of Microsoft Office. Microsoft runs faster than Open Office and has more features than Open Office. For the most part, they both offer grammar checking, document viewing and conditional formatting. Microsoft Office has more built in features and contains the new ribbon to easily navigate. Microsoft offers smart art, but Open Office does not. The files are much larger than in Open Office, this takes up more space when saving documents to your computer. Depending on what your using the application for and the type of person you are, one may be more beneficial than the other. I personally like Microsoft Office but I love the fact that Open Office is free and it does nearly just as much!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

5 Ways to Prepare for Job Hunting in 2013

1. Create porfessional resumes
2. Have social media basics
3. Look the part
4. Get a smart phone
5. Monitor and moher your online reputation

The first thing to do when applying for a job is to create a resume. If you do not have a resume, you are likely to not get the job, especially if someone else applying does have one. Statistics show that job seekers are fourty percent more likely to get a job with attaching a resume to an application. It shows professionalism and it contains all the information they need to know before hiring you.

The next way to prepare for a job is having knowledge of social media basics. This does not mean you have to be an expertise, this just means that you should have an understanding of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and or Pininterest.You should also use them to benefit you and promote something, not bring you down and make you look bad. Be careful what you show on them because you want to keep a professional and good image for yourself if they do look at your profiles.

The most important thing to do when looking for a job is to look the part or position. They need someone who fits and follows possible guidelines for the job. Its always a good thing to wear updated, clean, professional and presentable clothes. As well as have your hair cut, face shaved good hygiene etc. No one wants to hire a bum and most people want to hire people who fit the iage for the specific job, so it is important to look the part. For example, if you were looking to work somewhere like Hollister you want to present that preppy or surfer look and possibly even wear some of their clothes and or season colors. This will catch their attention and make you stand out from others.

Its almost 2013 so you need to get up to par and get a current phone! Throw away your old flip phone or huge ancient cell phone and get a smart phone. With a smart phone, you can search anywhere on the web for job openings and download applications to your phone which better help you in finding a job fast and efficiently.

Last but not least, you should monitor your online image or reputation. Google your name and see what pops up. Update or delete any informationb that may not help you in getting the job. Be sure that whatever is on there is information you don't mind employers seeing. If you do, make them private or delete them. Most employers do google your name and search for online profiles etc. before hiring and if they see somwething they don't like than you are automatically disqualified.

8 Dumb Criminals Caught Through Facebook

There have been numerous criminals smart enough to successfuly commit a crime, but dumb enough to not get away with it for long because they gave themselves away on facebook. If you are running from the cops, the last thing you would want to do is post where your location is at on ANY social network site right? Not according to Chris Crego from New York. Chris was arrested for assault in a bar fight he got in, in which he did not show up for sentencing. While hiding from the police, he updated his current location on facebook and that was the end of his run. The police tracked him down shortly after. In the second dumb criminal case caught on facebook, a boy named Michael Baker decided to cypher gas from a police car and post a picture of him doing so, while also flipping the camera off. Smart move right! NO. The photo was seen by many people and not to long after, he was found, arrested and thrown in jail for theft. In the next case, two men were arrested for planting deadly booby traps along a popular hiking trail in Utah. From what else? Facebook. The two chatted to each other about the traps online and were caught shortly after. In the fourth case, a woman in Virginia tracks down her robber by facebook. Apparently her robber decided to not only steal her diaomand rings, but also kicjk, back, relax and check their facebook! Not only did they check their facebook, but they forgot to log out... Genius! In the fifth case, a young man named Rodney Knight
 breaks into a Washington Post reporters home named Marc Fisher. After stealing goods, Knight logged into Fisher's son's Facebook account and posted a photo of himself with the soon-to-be-stolen goods. This photo shoto led him to jail days later. In the sixth case, Maxi Sopo defrauded a handful of Seattle banks out of $200,000 and took a vacation to Cancun. While on vacation, he continuously posted things on facebook regarding his victory. His mistake was adding a former Justice Dpt official
to his friends list. His constant updates made it easy for police to find him. In the seventh case,
a sex offender was arrested in Bluefield, Va. after his girlfriends "liking" incident gave away his location. While running from the police, his girlfriend made an attempt to keep a close eye on the local police by liking the Tazewell Police Department's Facebook page. However, the "like" gave the police direct access to her account, which conveniently included a picture of Naecher. He was arrested the next day. The lesson of todays blog is "Don't be a Facebook idiot
when running from the police!"