Friday, January 18, 2013

Instant Messaging

Instant messaging is a form of communication over the internet, which is possible because of collaboration clients. These software developers designed chat rooms and and chat room software that anyone could use with an account. ICQ was a popular free software that many people began using shortly after instant messaging first came out in the 1990's! This is the basic model people have used, still till today. For example, yahoo messenger, AOL, iPhone instant messaging, Mac OS X and Windows Instant Messenger. Those are just a few of the many instant messengers out there. You can use IM's to connect with friends or co workers by simply adding them to your contact list. I personally prefer to use the messenger that Mac OS X has because it is easy to use and all my friends, family and co workers are all already on my contact list so I can keep in touch with them at all times while I'm on my computer and if for some reason I do not have my cell.

Advantages and Disadvantages to Using VOIP

VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol and is the reason you are able to make voice calls over the internet. I feel like it has both its advantages and disadvantages. I also feel like it has more advantages than disadvantages. For example, technically, it allows for you to communicate with individuals for cheap, and it is unlimited. If you have access to a computer and internet, you are good to go. The sound is amazing, it sounds like the person is literally right next to you. Another cool thing about VoIP is you can download things such as Skype, which not only allow you to use the voice connection, but it also allows you to video chat. It's always a good thing to have, so you can keep in touch and still see your old friends or family away from home. A disadvantage is that it is only as reliable as your internet service. If you have a bad internet connection, then chances are your VoIP won't work well and you may loose connection while making calls etc.

Usefulness of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is simply a place to network, connect and link with people in your career field or field of interest, as well as with your friends and co workers. It is supposed to be a good way to share your opinions on discussions, join groups and networks and share your profession. You can join interest groups or create your own. It is a social website but it is used more for networking and is more business related than fun related. It is also not as personal as other social sites such as Facebook. It can be helpful in promoting your business, keeping track of businesses in the communities, and viewing opinions. It is also very helpful in networking, getting more people involved with your business or helping you with your business. I personally feel like LinkedIn is a time waster for my self. However, it really depends on the person using it. If you do have your own business going on or you want to get inside peoples heads to see how they feel about your products or employers, businesses etc. personally, then it is a great website. If you are trying to establish some sort of business based off your interests, it can help you network. Like I said, it really all depends on the person.

Compare and Contrast Facebook, Twitter and Instigram

To view the diagram larger just click on the image.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Student Nurse News Podcast

I was interested to see this podcast because I am going to school for Nursing. I am actually really glad I came across this because it has tips for studying the NCLEX, Nursing school survival tips and many other helpful tips to help you succeed with Nursing. If you are interested in Nursing or the medical field, this may give you some really helpful things as well. Go check it out! 

Brain Science Podcast

This is a really cool science podcast. It caught my attention with the word science, which is why I chose it. I find these kinds of things very interesting. They have a lot of information on different parts of the brain, diseases associated with the brain and cells and neurons that travel to the brain. If you are into science or the brain overall, this is something you would be interested in. I think this is one of the different podcasts I have seen but it is very beneficial, especially if you are say, going to school to be a doctor, surgeon or other sort of medical field specifically involving the brain. Overall, it is good information to know either way.

The Nutrition Diva Podcast

This podcast caught my attention because I am trying to eat well and be more healthy overall and the first step to getting healthy is eating right. This is a great podcast for some of the health freaks out there. There are several nutritional tips,  unknown facts, and eating habits for anyone to follow. I think that anyone and everyone can benefit from this podcast though. I actually was surprised at some of the information, its's good stuff. Go check it out!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Profoundly upset by this video

In this discussion, the opposing side is introduced. The poster describes how he can't believe what he watched in the video "Did you Know", he is appalled and he disliked it very much. He feels like the statistics are not accurate in the video and that the main point of it is someone saying "If we don't do this, then the Chinese will take our jobs". I don't think that was the intent of the video but they did have a stat in the video relating to Chinese and America and job stats as well so I guess that was why he is saying that. He states that he does not see the connection between profound shifts in global power and having a wiki for his classes. I think he is not looking at the bigger picture and is jumping to conclusions based on one small thing that was shown in the video. Its very obvious that he does not feel the same way a lot of other people feel about the video and he is on the opposing side. Everyone has their own opinion though, right!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Technology Makes our Lives Easier

This is a short discussion that was established to talk about how technology has made our lives easier. One poster talks about how if technology is used efficiently, it can be very beneficial. How if it were brought into the classroom and used by teachers, both students and teachers can establish a closer connection to the world. Both posters talk about how it can disclude certain groups of individuals such as handicapped or mentally challenged individuals, or low income families etc. This is something that should be taken into consideration and have some established changes to help these specific individuals because technology makes our lives easier! The first poster describes how we take advantage of our technology and being able to communicate so fast and efficiently with people, even half way across the world. I think that all of the things they are saying in the discussion is true, they make many valuable points and they do not have bad ideas. The truth of the matter is, this is a growing world of technology and by 2020 everything will be done online or through other technology sources. It seems crazy to think about but after watching the video "Did you Know", you realize that we have came such a very long ways and we just keep coming further. It doesn't stop. It gets bigger, stronger and better with time.

The Essential Shift

This discussion is between a group of future teachers, expressing how they feel about the video "Did you Know", how the shift of technology and the growing changes in the world are needed and beneficial. They also share their insights on the statistics rates, as well as their personal contribution to the stats in the video.  It is crazy how every one of them can be considered contribution to the stats in the video, as well as knows someone who is as well. I guess we all have been affected by the aging world and growing technology. I personally have a little cousin that is three years old, and she has already used a computer, watched hours of television and she has a Facebook page! Her mom created it of course, but she loves to look at pictures on the screen after her mom logs her on. The statistics in the video are actually not that appalling, being that this is 2013. The discussion thread explains how the video was very powerful and the desire to contribute to it. They want to make proper changes in teaching and develop new learning ideas to help keep the world shifting and growing. This is something essential to life!